Sunday, November 4, 2007

GOD's Thoughts

Hey Everyone,

Here are a few thoughts from my Purpose Driven Life Calendar that Mandy gave to me for Christmas last year. I hope each of you reading this receives a message from this post.

God Loves to use weak people. Everyone has weaknesses. In fact, you have bundle of flaws and imperfections: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. You may also have uncontrollable circumstances that weaken you, such as financial or relational limitations. The more important issue is what you do with these.

"I am with you; that is all you need. My Power shows up best in weak people."
2 Corinthians 12:9 TLB

To become a real servant you are going to have to settle the issue of money in your life. Jesus said,"No servant can serve two masters.....You cannot serve both God and Money" (Luke 16:13 NIV) He didn't say, "You should not," but "You cannot." It is impossible. Living for ministry and living for money are mutually exclusive goals.

The Bible is very clear; God uses money to test your faithfulness as a servant. That is why Jesus talked more about money than he did about either heaven or hell. He said,"If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" (Luke 16:11 NIV) How you manage your money affects how much God can bless your life.

God has a different perspective on your weaknesses. He says,"My thoughts and my ways are higher than yours" (Isaiah 55:9 CEV), so he often acts in ways that are exact opposite of what we expect. We think that God only wants to use our strengths, but he also wants to use our weaknesses for his glory.

When I read these for the first time they made me think and look inward.


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