Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fireman Fitness

Hey Everyone,

As you may know I was once a volunteer fireman for Thanksgiving Volunteer Fire Dept. The men that volunteer their time away from their jobs and family to save the lives and property of others are a special breed. Make sure you say thank you to many of the emergency personnel that you may know or don't know. I can speak from experience a simple hello or thank you from the public means alot.

Kettlebell training and cross-training is great physical fitness workout for law enforcement, firemen, and all emergency personnel. Including nurses. I train alot of nurses and they tell me that they use their physical strength both in transporting patients as well as keeping them under control in extreme circumstances.

Here are some pics from 2005 when I was volunteering for TVFD of a live burn and some of our firetrucks that we use in emergencies.

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