Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Who says exercise is boring?

Here is my son jamming out while he is doing his cardio. Stay tuned for more videos!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Working out with the kids today.

Hey ya'll,

Went to the studio today to try out my new video recorder. Took some vid's of the kids and myself working out. In the future I will have more original videos and possibly exercise videos for sale.



Monday, January 12, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year! Updates!

Hey everyone,

Happy New Year! I have a few exciting updates for you since last year.

Starting every Friday @ 12 pm at the studio we are having a Bible study. This is open to everyone even if you are not a client. Just bring a Bible and ask questions. No I am not leading the Bible study. One of my client's who was a Deacon at his church has offered to lead the Bible study.

Also starting every first Saturday of the month the studio will be hosting the Southside Community Church men's group. This will include Bible study and workout. I have a feeling that some of the men will be praying for strength. Just kidding guys! It will be a great fellowship and workout for the men. We need to stay strong in today's world guys!

I should have some video to post very soon for everyone.
