Wednesday, June 25, 2008

KB's on the beach in Destin, FL

Hey everyone,

As you know my sister lives in sunny FL, and I took my KB's with me to the beach! My wife worked out with me and we drew quite a crowd! My son helped count reps and then we all played in Gulf of Mexico!


Monday, June 23, 2008

RKC--Best Experience

Hey Everyone,

Just arrived back from my sister's wedding in FL! Had an awesome time!

At the beginning of the month I attended the RKC certification. What a hard experience! You will never hear me say the word "fun" when it comes to Pavel or the RKC. Great teachings and great people! Hard as hell! So to all of my client's if you wanted payback on me from all of the training that I give you...this was it!

Checkout the pics!
